A very spacious and scenic luxury wooden cabin overlooking a gorgeous view. This "studio unit" has a large floor space covered with porcelain tiles & wood, a romantic sleeping area, and a living area with a corner sofa which converts into double bed for 2 children and a mattress for a third child, Kitchenette, dining area and double jacuzzi facing the view. Home Theater TV System, and AC system for independent heating/cooling, and a clothes closet. The TV addicts can view the screen from every corner. A stand-up jacuzzi jet shower and a bench for the wet sauna are in the bathroom. The woodwork is based on rounded Finnish pine logs. Suitable for a romantic couple or family with 1-3 children. From a very private panoramic wooden-beamed & stone paved, shaded patio, one can also see the view of the Galilean Hills, the Kinneret and the Golan Heights. The patio is shaded by a mulberry tree and has hammocks.
Подходит для романтичных пар
До 6 человек
- Домик с панорамой
- Деревянный домик
- Стандартный домик
- Гостиная/Спальня
- Студия - гостиная + спальня
- Домик с двориком и видомКрыльцо с деревянным навесом и газон с видом
- Панорамное крыльцо с деревянным навесом
- We Are Saving WaterInstant hot water in kitchens & bathrooms, Low Flow Dual-Thread Faucet Aerator" (Haschamim); Recycling (filtered) water from Jacuzzis, showers, and bathroom sinks for watering the fruit orchard; Reusing water from air conditioners for our gardens, and drip irrigation systems, all computerized. The patios in ground floor units have stone & wood paved areas to replace lawns, for maximum water conservation.
Rectangular Double Jacuzzi: 400-liter Interior jacuzzi 1.8 meters x 1.4 meters.
- Ванна - 140 л
- Вертикальный душ в джакуззиМожно выбрать направление водных струй.
- Отдельная душевая кабинка
- Сауна с паром
50-inch TVHD DVD, Satellite – HD - MAX, all channels except channels on order for special fee (blocked).
- Professional HD Home-Theater SystemHigh-fidelity amplifier, HD DVD, HD TV convertor and 5 speakers.
- Illustrated Kitchen IIIII**Two-flame gas cooker, 260-liter fridge, separate freezer section, electric water pitcher, Espresso machine + capsules, microwave oven, electric stove 43 Liter, 2-Slice Toaster, cooking and serving dishes, Quality NesCafe, Regular NesCafe, Turkish coffee, sugar, tea, herb tea, oil for frying.
- Кондиционер - подогрев/охлаждениеУправляется с помощью дистанционного пульта. Работает тихо. Кондиционер для семьи - независимые установки в каждой комнате.
- Набор для установки внутреннего климата №1Электрические жалюзи, плотные шторы, двойные стекла (термо- и акустическая изоляция), стены с двойной изоляцией, тихо работающий кондиционер для подогрева и охлаждения.
Бесплатный беспроводной интернетПодходит для портативных компьютеров с картой Wi-Fi
Внешняя телефонная линияЗвонки через наш коммутатор с оплатой за каждый разговор. Бесплатные разговоры с соседними домиками.
- Двуспальная кровать - 160х200 смМатрас SK высокого качества.
- Double SofaA sofa which converts into double bed for 1-2 children, or another couple.
- Single sofaOpen to 1 single bed.
- A baby cribA crib for a baby up to 2 years old.
- A single mattress
- Деревянный пол
- Пол покрытый керамической плиткой
- Окна, выходящие на юг
- Окна, выходящие на восток
- Closethelves and clothes-hanging space. Towels, terry robes, bedding and extra blankets.
- Дополнительные принадлежностиФен для сушки волос, полотенца, махровые халаты, дополнительные одеяла и подушки, мыло, шампунь, зубные щетки и салфетки.
Детская кроватка (по желанию)
- Стоянка возле домика
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Let's talk numbers...
- Цены не включают питание/ Смотрите раздел Услуги.
- Every reservation requires valid credit card details that will be charged on the morning of the arrival day, unless paid already in advance via bank-transfer/bit/paybox/zelee. Cash accepted only if prearranged with us prior. We don't accept debit and Diners cards.
- Цены указаны в шекелях, включают НДС и могут изменены в любое время.
- Weekdays: from Sunday until Thursday morning. Weekends: from Thursday until Sunday morning.
- Occasionally it may be possibile to book a single weekend night - contact us closer to the dates - cost of a single night is significantly higher.
- Regular Rates From September 1st until June 30st excluding holidays & Chol haMoed. 2 nights minimum on weekends - in the coming months - also 1 night.
- Июль-Август и праздники: полная цена. Минимум 3 ночи или меньше - в зависимости от наличия. В субботу выезда нет.
- Peak Rates from 9 B'Av till August 31 (3 night min.) and holidays (3 nights min.). Less nights may be possible, check with us nearing the date). Monday check-ins and Saturday check-outs are discouraged.
- Special deals & discounts - please contact us. Discount available {except summer, chol Ha'moed & holidays} for students, national service (sherut leumi), soldiers, IDF disabled veterans, and those arriving with public transport or bicycle (single discount, no combining). Valid for 3-night minimum reservations only.
- Diplomats and tourists who enter the country on a foreign passport and possess a tourist's short-term entry permit - B2, may enjoy a discounted VAT-free rate (17%) conditional to payment with a foreign credit card. The discount will be for 2 or 4 people - depends on the base rates, and not for additional kids or adults.