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Why plant foods?

Plant food, Aside from being very very tasty and colorful and full of life... Going vegetarian is the most effective single thing you can do to make this world a kinder, fairer and better place and it improves your own health. There has never been a better time to make the change: the choice of food available to vegetarians has never been more varied or more appetizing - and the scale of destruction caused by the global meat business has never been greater. Join the millions of people who have already chosen to celebrate life, and turn vegetarian today.


1. Saving Animals

Why Veggie? - Save Animals In the UK alone, 850 million animals and hundreds of millions of fish are killed every year to put meat on tables - that's more than three million animals a day. Before they are slaughtered, hundreds of millions lead desolate, disease-ridden lives on factory farms. Turning vegetarian means you're no longer a part of that cycle of death.

Find out more about how the meat industry brings misery and suffering to hundreds of millions of animals

2. Saving the Planet

Why Veggie? - Save the Planet Rainforests are cleared for grazing; methane from livestock causes global warming; soil is eroded by cattle; slurry poisons waterways; and the seas are laid to waste by overfishing. The global appetite for meat and the industrial techniques of the meat industry are destroying the Earth.

Find out more about how eating meat and fish is ravaging our environment on land and sea

3. Saving Others

Why Veggie? - Save Others While 750 million people go to bed hungry every night, one-third of the world's grain is fed to farmed animals. It takes about 10kg of good quality plant protein - such as wheat and soya - to produce 1kg of meat protein. A typical Western meat-based diet can only feed 2.5 billion people: a plant-based diet will feed every one of us.

Find out more about how eating meat contributes to poverty and starvation

4. Saving Yourself

Why Veggie? - Save Yourself Vegetarians live longer and suffer less from diseases such as hypertension, obesity, coronary artery disease, certain kinds of cancer and diabetes. Vegetarian diets can even be used to treat illnesses.

Find out more about how a vegetarian diet will benefit your health


As featured in TimeOut Israel Travellers' Choice 2013-2018 - Top 20 B&Bs and Inns in Israel, Top 25 in the Middle-east
Happy to host pets! Click for details, policy and fee We are a veg*n-friendly business!
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News & Deals

New! Now you can charge your electric car in our property (not for free)!

The Galilee streams are flowing, and all of Nature is painted in brilliant green!

Off-peak weekdays & weekends: discount - 3 nights minimum - our regular rates - for students, army civil servants, soldiers, return costumers and those who arrive with public transport. Excluding special discounts - no discounts during summer. chol hamo'ed & holidays. No double discounts & deals.

Free high speed optic fibers internet + computer socket.

Fresh Italian coffee - Espresso machine + capsules in all units. Large electric ovens in all cabins.

Energy conserving fans installed in every room for those who prefer it over the AC (also present in every unit).

Laundry Room with washing machine & dryer is now available (moderate fee). Used water from showers, sinks, laundry & Jacuzzies, integrates into our filtering system watering our fruit orchard.

Mid-visit clean-up for 4 night minimum stays, every other day 8:00-10:30.

No admission past 21:00, unless arranged in advance. The payment for your stay in the cabin, will charged on the morning of the arrival day.

Guests with dogs need to inform and confirm in advance a room with a yard, conditional upon dog: being quiet, won't disturb other guests and won't go on the furniture (carpets will be stowed away and you are asked to bring their own bed). The charge is 50 ILS, 75 ILS in Berry House. If you don't inform us in advance - the charge will be - 100 ILS, 150 ILS in Berry House.

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